Greater Williamsburg Trauma - Informed Community Network


"Supporting a trauma-aware, resilient and compassionate community"


Next General Membership Meeting - Mon., August 12th- Click to register

All are welcome to attend! Hybrid meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every EVEN month from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 

Access all minute meetings & resources relative to our General Members and our GM Meetings here.

About Us

Welcome to the Greater Williamsburg Trauma-Informed Community Network! 

There are 31 communities in Virginia coming together to support trauma-informed care across professional disciplines. these communities are known as Trauma-Informed Community Networks ( TICNs). 

Representatives of the GW-TICN are from public and private community organizations serving individuals and families across the lifespan throughout Williamsburg, James City County, York County, and Poquoson. These representatives meet regularly through General Membership meetings to share ideas and resources, as well as plan future activities and initiatives. 

The goal of a TICN, as guided by the Family & Children's Trust Fund Framework, is to "leverage the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma to build relationships, convene regularly, and advocate a common agenda around resilience."

TICNs share the mission to spread awareness and to conduct trainings to support and implement new practices in schools, courts, health, and social service departments. Our TICN seeks to connect people and private agencies across disciplines and encourage them to identify gaps in their policies and practices to implement trauma-informed care.

Your Network is celebrating its 5th year in 2024!

To Join our work, contact:
Shari Wiltshire

GW-TICN Coordinator
340-514-3069 |

Submit your Member Registration Form now and re-new your commitment to the Network! 

what assets


Meet Our 2024 Leadership Team!

Assessments & Indicators – Open to members. Established to develop community-wide indicators to measure our Network's progress.

Racial-Trauma – Open to members. Established in ’21 by those with a particular interest in this subject matter to gain confidence in discussing racial identity and racial experiences as it relates to historic and collective trauma to one day facilitate the conversation with others.

Public Awareness – Open to members. Established to create a broad network of resources and communication to enhance impact AND to create a range of community platforms to acknowledge trauma, build empathy and resilience

Training – Open to members. Established to provide a customizable menu of trauma-informed training opportunities that is available for diverse populations in the community. The Training Committee works to program Resilience Week. Click below for the roster of events held during:

Resilience Week '21

Resilience Week '22

Resilience Week '23

The GW-TICN's Five Strategies:

Build an inclusive coalition that recognizes diverse cultures

Develop community-wide indicators to measure progress

Establish a broad network of resources to enhance impact

Create a range of community platforms that acknowledge trauma, empathy & resilience

Provide a customizable menu of trauma informed opportunities for diverse populations

The Public Awareness Committee, the Training Committee, the Assessment & Indicators Committee, and the Racial-Trauma Committee are seeking interested members to join and work on implementing our strategies. Yes, that's right- we need you to guide the implementation of our '21-'26 Strategic Plan! 

We Want to Hear From You!

Remember that if our Networks are to thrive we must stay connected to our community. We must be able to target the needs of our families and children, those who identify as BIPOC and/or LGBTQ, those who have migrated in and/or are seeking to emigrate out. Please, feel safe and free to inform us - right here and now - where you see the need for our services.

Our Projects

Resilience Helps us Heal!

Keep Going


Visit the TICN's Resilience Rock Garden in Freedom Park.  #ResilienceRocks has a space in our garden to show off messages of joy, healing, hope, and survival.  Painting rocks is a mindful activity with cultural significance, and we need your help to grow our garden!  See some of our #ResilienceRocks that are in Freedom Park and learn more about this initiative on our Resilience Rock Garden Facebook page. Get in touch with your TICN Coordinator to bring this reflective exercise to your space. 

We’re Calling all Agencies & Organizations to Join Us Now!

Do you lead a for-profit, non-profit or Government agency that employs people to deliver human services?

Then the Trauma-Informed Agency Self-Assessment Survey is for you! Greater Williamsburg is on its way to becoming a trauma-responsive community because 18 local agencies have committed to assessing their work environment for trauma-informed practices. 

Join this change process! Click HERE NOW to schedule a 30-min call with your TICN Coordinator to find out more. 

2024 GW-TICN Newsletters





2023 GW-TICN Newsletters










Boundaries, Breaks and Balance - Amanda Lynch

Creating a Healthy Work/Life Balance - Ellen Williams

Saving Heroes and Heroines - Dr. Allison Sampson-Jackson

Trauma and the Brain - Kit Leffel

Window of Tolerance - Michelle Weed

Adverse Childhood Experiences - Keith Cartwright

Crisis & Prevention Lifelines

Colonial Behavioral Health-Emergency Services: 757-378-5555

24/7 crisis assessment and referral services to individuals living in James City County, Poquoson, Williamsburg and York County.

REACH: DD Crisis Services: 1-888-255-2989

24/7 mobile crisis intervention program that provides crisis support to individuals with a Developmental Disability who are experiencing mental health or challenging behavioral needs.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386

24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention lifeline for LGBTQ young people, (age 13-24 yrs.).

Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255Press 1

24/7 crisis lifeline for Veterans and their family members

Community Partner Resources

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

#Be There for a Veteran in Crisis

Even One Is Too Many: Preventing Suicide among Black American Boys and Girls

NAMI's Suicide Prevention Awareness Month information

Suicide Prevention Toolkit


Subscribe to Our Channel on YouTube!

Click the image to catch a replay of our virtual events from Resilience Week VA!